Friday 24 August 2012


They have two gates at our workplace where you have to pass under a security gadget that buzzes as you pass. While the security doesn’t caress your body in the name of searching for concealed weapons, I get pissed off at the way security guards are having a go at wanting to ransack my person for the hidden weapons they hope to find on my body. Nowadays I even dread going to a supermarket because they will be having these weird guys whose fingers itch to ransack a shopper.

What I don’t like most is having this tall guy towering over me, his breath rustling the few strands left on my head as he runs his rough hands over me. There is this one time I went to Tuskys and this security guy run his hand over my shirt it resulted into creases that I am unable to iron out. I kid not.
So I have been thinking about how to counter them and I have come to one conclusion. I need a clothe that has barbed wires all over. 


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