Wednesday 23 January 2013


Psalm 2:4 

The first part of Psalm 2:4 says, "He who sits in the heavens laughs," and I have been thinking a lot about whether God deserves a break to laugh. Maybe I am wrong, but I am sure God deserves a break just to laugh. I don't think many languages would refer to God as a Father, a Daddy, Abba Father just because words are there to be used. I think it is for a good reason. Now just picture a father. To a child a father is the ultimate hero, he is invincible and however feeble he is, even if he can't beat up Ed, Edd, Eddy in a spaghetti eating contest a child still holds their father in high esteem. A child may ask their dad to bring them a car when they come back from work even if all his dad does is sit on slab of concrete as he and his peers argue about what Fernando Torres should do to discover his goal scoring skills the way he did at Liverpool where he never walked alone. Or what Robin van Persie is going to do for the Red Devils. Or how useless Emmanuel Adebayor is when playing for Togo in the Cup of Nations.

When a father comes back home the child will still ask him to bring a car the following day. Isn't this the reason why the Bible says that the kingdom of heaven shall be inherited by children. Children have blind faith in their fathers, okay even their mothers too! And the 'child' in me just wonders whether or not God deserves a laugh.

I picture God calling the angels together when they open office and saying, "Okay guys, let's go out there and find someone who is going to make us laugh because I am so bored I want to close shop!"

Now there was once a guy who was faithful in everything he did. He however could not find a woman to marry. He soon started asking God for a wife. One day the fellowship group visited a children's home where the guy saw a lady he secretly admired in the group rock and sing to a baby. He so liked the way she did it and as he looked for the right words to make his compliments known, words failed him. He knew he could not use anything from Songs of Solomon. He was too born again for such poetic expressions. Besides, such things are reserved for teenagers and hopeless romantics! When they were asked who would volunteer to wash dishes before they left the orphanage, the guy found himself beside the lady. The two of them spent the evening washing dishes and having fun. Yet the guy was at a loss, he didn't know what to tell the lady. Evening came and the guy asked God for another chance with the lady.

The next Sunday after church service the group visited Uhuru Park where they were asked to split in groups of two and have a boat ride. The guy had asked God for strength and the right words he could tell the lady. But because they were with a guy who was rowing the boat the guy thought seducing a woman while in the company of another man isn't proper. So he put it off. That evening he went on his knees asking God for another chance. God listened and said, "Well I don't mind waiting. So take your sweet time, my son."

The following Sunday the fellowship group visited an amusement park where they were asked again to split in groups of two. The guy ended up with the lady he secretly admired. The two of them ended up on a rubber horse where they sat talking to each other. Yet the guy did not say what was on his mind. He didn't tell the lady how much he admired her and wanted to make her his wife. Soon time was up and they left for their respective homes. In the evening the guy was about to say his evening prayers when God, knowing what the guy was going to say decided enough was enough.

"Abba Father, You have been so good to me today. I thank You for Gloria and ask for another chance and the best words to convince her about the way I feel about her..."
"Wait a minute..." God interrupted. "Who told you I am in the business of giving men wives? The Word says he who finds a wife finds a good thing. Not he who is given a wife finds a good thing..."
"But LORD you delight in the desires of our hearts..."
"That is true but I want you to be the answer to your prayer. And stop asking for another chance every time you fail I have lots to do and I get bored of people who don't act on their faith. So I left everything, not because I am idle but because I wanted to come personally to intervene..."
"Thank You LORD, I knew You would come through for me..."
"What do you want my son?"
"I just want one more chance with Gloria..."
"Okay, tell me what you have done with the three chances that I have already given you. Show me what you have done..." The guy hung his head in shame and so God continued, "and by the way, the last man I gave a wife was Adam and we all know what happened afterwards. You have found Gloria, now get to work and do the talking because believe Me, there is no way I am going to do that for you! Oh, by the way, you can quote the Songs of Solomon to her."

I don't know what God thinks of this. But I hope He is out there laughing. I know He deserves a break. Today, purpose to make a move for the things you have been trusting God for. Trust Him to make you look pretty even without a weave. Trust Him to give you a high self esteem even without high heels. Trust Him to give you favour without a fancy car. And if you have been applying for jobs go an extra mile of visiting the offices where you have applied for jobs and make followups. Could be they are waiting for the person who will do such thing.Whatever you do, make sure you make God laugh, he deserves a break. Good luck!!!

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