Wednesday 2 January 2013


making a vision board is simple
 It is a new year and many children have joined new classes. In a world awash with conflicting images and stories about the people children adore and look up to, one has to chart their way in life in order not to become a photocopy of their role model. In my work with children, and even a good number of adults, I meet people who have no vision or clue at all concerning what they want to happen in their lives in say, a year or so down the line. Most are content on taking one at a time which to me means they don’t want to be held accountable by anyone.

Hannah shows off her vision board

In our reading club we teach and guide children in making a vision board of the kind of experiences they would like to have, the kind of goals they would like to achieve and just about how they envision their future lives. I made my vision board a few years back and have achieved most of the goals on it. I look at the vision board every morning when I wake up for my morning run and before I leave for work. And before I switch off the lights I take a look at it and thank God for all that I am and have. To make a vision board is simple.

  • Cardboard
  • Lots of pictures from magazines, newspapers et.c. depicting what you want to experience e.g. fly with an aeroplane
  • Glue
  • String
  • Pair of scissors
Steps to making a vision board
  • Cut the cardboard to a desired length
  • Cut out the images of what you want to experience or achieve
  • Using glue, paste the images to the board
  • When done, tie the string on the board so it can be hanged on the wall

my dream has become a reality thanks to my vision board 
When this is placed at a strategic place, it helps you stick to the bigger picture. My vision board has helped me go places and achieve a lot. I am working as a TV producer for children’s programmes, I write, I run a mentorship programme for boys at a juvenile prison and have a lot I would like to achieve both for myself and children in Kenya. I urge you to have a vision, a goal and a purpose you are aspiring to fulfill. I look forward to seeing your vision board. Good luck and have fun!!!

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